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The Friends of Guildford Cathedral

The Friends of Guildford Cathedral was founded in 1968 with the aim of bringing together all those who love the Cathedral and wish to support its work. Many Friends live locally and are able to enjoy the wide ranging number of activities we host, but there are also many who live further afield who simply enjoy reviewing regular information about the Cathedral, its mission and community life. 

By becoming a Friend you will not only help to ensure that the building is preserved and enhanced for future generations, but will have the opportunity to take part in social activities, outings and an annual pilgrimage.

Why join The Friends

As well as joining a group of like-minded people who care for this wonderful building, joining The Friends provides you with the following benefits:

  • A programme of social activities and day trips
  • An opportunity to become involved in the life of the Cathedral
  • A copy of the annual Report and Accounts
  • Discount weeks in the Cathedral shop
  • Attendance at the Friends’ AGM

How to join The Friends

We welcome new members and look forward to meeting you. To join The Friends, please complete a Membership Form.  This is the most efficient way for us to receive your subscription and helps us to channel more of our income to helping the Cathedral.  Membership runs from 1st July each year.


Contact Us

For further details about the work of The Friends, forms and any other information, please contact:

Secretary to The Friends of Guildford Cathedral

Cathedral Office

Stag Hill



Tel:      01483 547860
