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Cathedral Community Cycle of Prayer

Lord, hear our prayer.

Prayer intentions for the Offices, Eucharist and Prayers during the Day

Day 1    

Cathedral clergy: Bob Cooper (Dean), Chris Hollingshurst (Residentiary Canon), Rachel Young (Residentiary Canon), Duncan Myers (Priest Vicar and Anglican Chaplain to the University of Surrey), Mavis Wilson (Priest Vicar), Gilly Myers (Priest Vicar).

All people of other faiths and of goodwill in our communities.

Day 2    

The Operations team: Matt O’Grady (Chief Operating Officer), Jim Blake (Head of Property and Facilities) and Jonathan Neil-Smith (Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer).

For the financial situation of the Cathedral, which remains challenging

Those whose work is unfulfilling, stressful or fraught with danger.

Day 3    

The Virgers Team: Paul Williamson (Dean’s Virger), Steve Reeds (Canons’ Virger), Andrew Howat (virger), Nicola Goff (virger), Richard King (volunteer virger), and Sally Courtney (Laundress).  

For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together

The media and the arts in our Diocese.

Day 4    

The Music Team: Katherine Dienes-Williams (Organist & Master of the Choristers), Asher Oliver (Sub-Organist), George Baldwin (Organ Scholar), the Boy and Girl Choristers and Lay Clerks. The Guildford Cathedral Singers: John Bawden (Director), Chorister chaperones.

Our Mission Partners: Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy, HomeStart Guildford, Seeds for Development.

Day 5    

Those who assist in the provision of Pastoral Care to the Cathedral Community. The Cathedral Safeguarding Leadership Group (Chris Hollingshurst, Matt O’Grady and Mary Morris).

For the financial situation of the Cathedral, which remains challenging

For all engaged in farming in the diocese and for those who serve rural communities.

Day 6    

The Guild of Guides of the Cathedral: Janet Mathews (Chief Guide). The Guild of Stewards of the Cathedral: Ann Bourne (Chief Steward).

For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together

Those who live in the midst of famine or disaster.

Day 7    

The Friends of Guildford Cathedral, Joy Allen (Chair).

All who are unemployed, especially young people not in education, employment or training.

Day 8    

The Visitor Experience and Events work of the Cathedral: Louise Musgrove (Head of Commercial Experience), Mary Beal (Visitor Experience and Outreach Officer), Catherine Barber (Events Officer), Robert Owen (Events Assistant) Rachel Johnson (Family Engagement Officer). The work of The Enterprise Board (Chair: Wallace Vincent).

For the financial situation of the Cathedral, which remains challenging

The work of aid agencies throughout the world.

Day 9    

For the work of the Advisory Board (which has replaced the former Cathedral Council) and its Chair Julian Roberts.

For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together

All who work in the medical and healing professions: GP practices and hospitals, among them the Royal Surrey, Mount Alvernia, the Nuffield, Frimley Park, St Peter’s, Chertsey and Epsom & St Helier Hospitals.

For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together

All who work in the medical and healing professions: GP practices and hospitals, among them the Royal Surrey, Mount Alvernia, the Nuffield, Frimley Park, St Peter’s, Chertsey and Epsom & St Helier Hospitals.


The Cathedral Shop: Sharon Collier (Shop Manager) and volunteers.

The work of the Social Services in our Diocese.

Day 11 

The Cathedral Finance Team: Andrew Pianca (Honorary Treasurer and Chair of Cathedral Finance and Risk Committee), Helen Hopkinson (Chief Financial Officer), Ryan Fowlds (Finance Manager)

For the financial situation of the Cathedral, which remains challenging

The commercial and industrial life of Surrey and NE Hampshire. Chambers of Commerce and employee organisations.

Day 12 

Cathedral Office: Carolyn Howard-Jones (Liturgy and Music Administrator), Lisa Hatherall (Dean’s PA and Senior Administrator) and Harry Tallboys (Volunteers Co-ordinator and Administrative Assistant).

For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together

Victims of abuse and violence, intolerance and prejudice.

Day 13

The Chapter of the Cathedral: the Interim Dean and Residentiary Canons, Ann Bourne, Berrie Norton, Andrew Pianca, Jo Pinson, Roddy Porter.

Those living in poverty or under oppression.

Day 14 

The Music Development Foundation: David Watts (Chair), and all involved in the Music Patrons’ Scheme.

For the financial situation of the Cathedral, which remains challenging

The local community in which we are set: Guildford Borough Council and all who work in its amenities and services, Experience Guildford (Business Investment District), local charitable organisations and networks.

Day 15 

The Diocesan Library and all who use it.

For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together

Local government, community leaders: Saj Hussain (Chair of Surrey County Council), Julia McShane (Leader, Guildford Borough Council), and Mayors and Ward Councillors within our Diocese. Members of Parliament in the diocese, including Zoe Franklin (MP for Guildford).

Day 16 

The Cathedral’s work with schools:  Nicola Cole (Head of Schools).

Victims and perpetrators of crime, the Court Service, and Neighbourhood Watch in the communities of the Diocese.

Day 17 

The Cathedral Architect, John Bailey and all who maintain the fabric and the grounds. The Fabric Advisory Committee: Paul Velluet (Chair).

For the financial situation of the Cathedral, which remains challenging

Those who work with the young. Our local schools.

Day 18 

Those who work with the elderly, including Care Agencies and other carers.

For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together

Colleges and universities in the Diocese: The University of Surrey, Royal Holloway, University of Law and The University for the Creative Arts, Farnham; their students, staff and chaplains.

Day 19 

Next considerations in respect of the Cathedral’s long-standing work to develop a sustainable residential development on Stag Hill.

The Cathedral’s immediate neighbours on Stag Hill and the surrounding roads.

Day 20

The Altar Servers of the Cathedral. For others who assist in public worship. For those who live stream Sunday services and special occasions.

For the financial situation of the Cathedral, which remains challenging

HM The King, Mr Michael More-Molyneux (Lord Lieutenant of Surrey), Shahid Azeem  (High Sherriff).

Day 21 

The Development Department: Nicola Pratt (Head of Development), Karen Taylor (Fundraising Officer) and Claire Waters-Duke (Marketing Officer).

For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together

Those who clean our streets, collect our rubbish and tend public spaces.

Day 22 

The emergency services: Surrey Police, Surrey Fire and Rescue Service, South East Coast Ambulance Service.

Local providers of listening and counselling services.

Day 23 

The armed forces of this country and their chaplains: especially those based within the Diocese.

For the financial situation of the Cathedral, which remains challenging

Local uniformed youth organisations (Scouting, Guiding and Cadets)

Day 24 

The Cathedral Archivists (George Duncan and Frances Wiliams). The Curator of the Treasury (Roger Heath-Bullock).

For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together

All whose lives are devastated by war and civil strife.  For refugees.

Day 25 

All who seek spiritual solace here.

The prisons within the Diocese: Coldingley, Downview, High Down and Send; prisoners, governors and prison officers, chaplains and prison visitors.

Day 26 

The Cathedral Bellringers: Chris Rogers (Tower Captain), Richard Burton (Ringing Master).

For the financial situation of the Cathedral, which remains challenging

The work of Age UK Surrey.

Day 27 

The College of Canons in their parishes and daily work. For clergy well-being and healthy congregations across the Diocese.

For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together

For those who are subject to prejudice and discrimination.

Day 28 

Cathedral Volunteers.

For the earth and the protection of the environment.

Day 29

Seasons Café and Restaurant: Carla Williams (General Manager), staff and customers.

For the financial situation of the Cathedral, which remains challenging

For all who work in (Diocesan) Church House, Guildford.

Day 30 

The University of Surrey: The Vice-Chancellor, staff and students. The Chaplaincy Team, (Rabbi Alex Goldberg, Lead Chaplain and Rabbi of Guildford, and Canon Duncan Myers, Anglican Chaplain)

For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together

All travellers by land, sea and air.

Day 31 

For the Church of England’s Manormead Supported Housing scheme at Hindhead (for retired clergy and spouses).

For the financial situation of the Cathedral, which remains challenging


For God’s guidance for the Cathedral Chapter and the whole Cathedral community as we prepare to move into the next phase of Cathedral ministry and life together


Updated January 2025