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May is The Gateway to Summer

Guildford Cathedral welcomes the arrival of the month of May, and we are very much looking forward to our services and events, with something for everyone.

The Cathedral is open daily to visitors*. Our Guides are on hand to welcome you and offer self-guided tours and information about us and our history. If you are attending one of our services our stewards are on hand to show you the way.

Here is a snapshot of what you can look forward to.

📮 For Post Box Topper Lovers

Our wonderful Postbox Toppers Exhibition continues until the Sunday 2 June. This vibrant and cheerful exhibition brings together forty postbox toppers from around the country.

Booking is now open for our workshops where you can learn the basics of knitting and crochet and how to make your very own topper. Find out more here

🌼 For Families

On Wednesday 1 May at 10am we look forward to our monthly Cathedral Tots. This month we are giving thanks for growing and we will be telling the story of the ‘Parable of the mustard seed,’ and we will be planting seeds and making tree pictures. This free monthly informal worship service is for pre-schoolers and their parents/caregivers.

Later this month during half term, we look forward to our Family Fun Day, taking place on Wednesday 29 May at 10am and 11am. This day is a fun opportunity for primary school aged children and their families to get together with others inside our beautiful Cathedral. This month, we will be focussing on crafts from around the world. We will be making carnival masks, tribal shields, Koinobori (Japanese carp windsocks), dragon puppets and weaving.. This event is free, but booking is essential, for more information and to book, please visit:

🧐 For the Adventurous and Curious

Our spring season of Tower Tours and Guided Tours continues this month. Come, and join us on 3 May at 10.30am for the Guided Tour and 12.30pm for the Tower Tour. A Guided Tour is also taking place on Friday 29 May at 2pm. Join our knowledgeable Guides for both tours exploring the Cathedral, an iconic Grade II* listed building. Advanced bookings must be made for both tours at, tickets cost £6.50pp.

🎼 For the Music Lovers

Our May Coffee Concert will take place on Thursday 9 May from 10.30am. We are looking forward to welcoming back to the Cathedral the internationally renowned Yoon Seok Sin, the talented pianist. The morning begins with tea, coffee, and biscuits at 10.30am, followed by the performance at 11.15am, finishing at 12 noon, just in time for lunch!

Also, this month, we are looking forward to a Celebratory Evensong for Dr. Barry Rose’s 90th birthday taking place on Saturday 11 May at 5pm. Barry was our very first Organist and Master of the Choristers. Sung by the Cathedral Choir featuring music associated with Dr. Rose’s illustrious career. RSVP Here

On Thursday 16 May continuing our Schools’ Evensong Project, we look forward to our Cathedral Choir singing Choral Evensong jointly with the George Abbot School Chamber Choir.

Before Choral Evensong at 5.30pm on Sunday 26 May come and listen to our first Organ Recital as part of a series given by young student performers, celebrating the organ!

👗 🎁 For the Shoppers

On Saturday 18 May from 9.30am – 4.30pm we look forward to the return of Guildford Preloved Kilo. Your chance to browse around six tonnes of preloved, vintage, and retro clothing and accessories. For more information, please visit:

For Worship and Reflection

Please see our Services page for details of our regular services.

On Friday 17 May at 5.30pm we celebrate The Anniversary of the Consecration of the Cathedral at our Choral Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Choir.

During our services on Sunday 19 May we celebrate our Patronal Festival of Pentecost at 10.30am with a Festival Eucharist and 6pm Festival Evensong. As the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost is our Patronal Festival, and we celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit working amongst us.

🛍️ 🍰 Shopping and Eating

Our Gift Shop and Cafe offer warmth of greeting and many delights.

🎁 Come browse the gift shop which has cards and gifts for all ages. The shop team are always happy to help with recommendations for that special treat or purchase.

☕️ Season’s Cafe offers delicious refreshments whether it be tea and cake, a light bite, or a more substantial lunch.

🅿️ Parking for Cathedral Visitors

There is free 2-hour on-site parking for visitors to the Cathedral, Shop and Cafe.

If your visit is longer, please speak to a member of the shop team.


Come on Up | Come on In

* Please do check out Visit page for any changes to opening times, closures, and restrictions.