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1 December 2024 - 2 February 2025

Experience the wonder of the Seasons through readings, hymns, music, prayer – in darkness and in light.

The SEASONS BEGIN WITH Advent Sunday at the beginning of December and conclude with the presentation of Christ in the Temple – Candlemas – in February.  In between, walk with Mary and Joseph along their journeys: stand close by as the shepherds visit the baby Jesus; rejoice with overwhelming amazement as the wise men journey to visit the Christ child; watch and listen with Simeon and Anna as they see the fulfilling of God’s promise.  It’s all here – come along for the journey.

Our Advent Service leaflet is here

Our Families Advent leaflet is here


Sunday 1 December | Advent Sunday

9.45am Choral Eucharist

With the lighting of the first Advent candle, remembering our ancestors in faith.

6pm Advent Carol Service

In this service we look forward to the coming of Jesus as Saviour of the world in music and readings.

Sunday 22  December

6pm A Service of Lessons and Carols

Our traditional carol service. Hear the Christmas story from the very beginning to the birth of Jesus through bible readings, carols, and stunning choral music. If you are unable to attend the service on Sunday 22 December, it will take place again on Wednesday 25 December at 4pm.

Tuesday 24 December

4pm Journey to Bethlehem

A service for all ages, with the Cathedral Choristers and Stag Hill Phil., exploring the Christmas story and message.

11pmThe First Eucharist of Christmas

Marking the beginning of Christmas, this service includes John Tavener’s famous Christmas Proclamation.

Wednesday 25 December

10am The Eucharist of Christmas Day

Please join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the world.

4pm A Service of Lessons and Carols

Our traditional carol service. Hear the Christmas story from the very beginning to the birth of Jesus through bible readings, carols, and stunning choral music.


Monday 6 January

7pm Choral Eucharist for Epiphany

Sung by The Whyte Effect.

Sunday 12 January

6pm Epiphany Carol Service

A Service that recalls how Jesus was made known to the world by the visit of the wise men.

Sunday 2 February  | Candlemas

9.45am Eucharist

The presentation of Christ in the Temple is the conclusion of Epiphanytide with the blessing of candles as a sign of Jesus being the light of the world.

3.30pm Christingle

Join us in the Cathderal to take part in our Christingle Service as we celebrate Jesus, the Light of the World in this informal act of worship. It includes songs, making a giant Christingle, craft activities, prayer, and refreshments.  Held in support of the Children’s Society.

6pm Choral Evensong


There are more services during Advent, Christmas, Epiphany and Candlemas.  Morning Prayer, Holy Communion and Choral Evensong during the week, with the Eucharist and Evensong on Sundays to which all are welcome.


There are more services during Advent, Christmas, Epiphany and Candlemas.  Morning Prayer, Holy Communion and Choral Evensong during the week, with the Eucharist and Evensong on Sundays to which all are welcome.