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News & Press

Cathedral Choristers in BBC Radio 2 final

Guildford Cathedral is proud and delighted to learn that two of its choristers, girl chorister Elizabeth Robbings and boy chorister Tom King have made it through to the national finals of BBC Radio 2 Young Choristers of the Year competition 2014. The choristers sent in recordings and wer…

Added Friday 5th September 2014

New Chaplain to HM The Queen

The Revd Canon Dr Nicholas Thistlethwaite, Sub Dean and Precentor of Guildford Cathedral, has been appointed Chaplain to HM The Queen. I was touched and honoured to be appointed as an Honorary Chaplain to HM The Queen. Chaplains are members of the monarch’s Ecclesiastical Househo…

Added Tuesday 2nd September 2014

Guildford Cathedral breaks £1m barrier!

Guildford Cathedral breaks £1m barrier The Guildford Cathedral Appeal, which in its first phase needs to raise £1.3m by the end of the summer, has reached the milestone of raising £1m.   The Dean of Guildford, the Very Reverend Dianna Gwilliams  said: “It’…

Added Friday 13th June 2014

Times Article 12.06.14

The coverage of our Appeal in The Times today is welcome but it is regrettable  that some of the information contained in the article is inaccurate. We are seeking to raise £7m to pay for essential repairs to the Cathedral, including the removal of acoustic plaster from the vaults, but…

Added Thursday 12th June 2014

The Very Reverend Alexander Wedderspoon, MA, BD (1931-2014)

Alex Wedderspoon, who died on 10 June 2014, was appointed Dean of Guildford in 1987 after serving as a Lecturer in Religious Education at London University (1963-66), Education Adviser to the Church of England Schools Council (1966-70), and Canon Residentiary at Winchester Cathedral (1970-87). He …

Added Thursday 12th June 2014

MAKE YOUR MARK campaign update

£1m in sight but Cathedral still needs more Marks  The Guildford Cathedral Appeal is in sight of raising £1m, with many individuals, families and parishes getting involved in the MAKE YOUR MARK campaign.  However, the Appeal still needs to raise £400,000 by the end o…

Added Thursday 22nd May 2014

Oral History Project Launched

Guildford Cathedral has successfully secured initial support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for repairs to the Cathedral fabric and development of its project: Securing Guildford Cathedral’s future: treasures, memories and stories revealed. We are now looking for people to take part i…

Added Wednesday 2nd April 2014

MAKE YOUR MARK campaign launched

Guildford Cathedral is today launching its major fundraising campaign, MAKE YOUR MARK, to help save the iconic Grade 2* listed building.  People of all ages are invited to make their mark on the future of the Cathedral by making a donation or organising a fundraising event. MAKE YOUR MARK fo…

Added Tuesday 25th February 2014

Call for Consultants for Lottery bid

Securing Guildford Cathedral’s future: treasures, memories and stories revealed. A Stage One bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund has been successful and the project has now moved into the development phase. We wish to appoint a number of consultants to assist with the production of an Activity…

Added Monday 13th January 2014

Public Notice for the purposes of Section 121(2) of The Charities Act 2011

The Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit Guildford owns as trustee of a charitable trust the land adjoining the Cathedral, adjacent to Ridgemount, Alresford Road and Scholars Walk, Guildford, shown on the plan to this notice hatched and edged red.  Chapter as governing body gives notice that i…

Added Friday 3rd January 2014