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Sermon Archive: 2014

Showing Sermons 1 to 4 of 135.

Eucharist - 28 December 2014

In less than 9 months Frozen has gone from being just another Disney movie to potentially the best settling DVD of the decade.  In remaking Hans Christian Anderson's fable for the snow queen, Disney didn't create an obvious villain. Instead they focused on the relationship between two sibling… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 28th December 2014

Mattins - 21 December 2014

The text of this sermon is not available at this time. Read more

Sermon by David Martin on Sunday 21st December 2014

Eucharist - 21 December 2014

  In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth. In nomine Patris… Norfolk is a very beautiful county, with a stunning coastline and beaches, rolling countryside and the Norfolk Broads, but it’s often thought of, perhaps unfairly… Read more

Sermon by on Sunday 21st December 2014

Eucharist - 14 December 2014

The text of this sermon is not available at this time. Read more

Sermon by Stuart Beake on Sunday 14th December 2014